Thursday 9 May 2013


In the Week 14 presentation, Keith included a quote from here that says:

Teacherhood must be based on a profound understanding
about the influence of childhood events on teacher students’
present identity—and on their future identity as teachers as

Having an influence on someone's life is a very rewarding thing, and it is one of the reasons I have chosen to become a teacher. I study to be an English teacher and a Physical Education teacher. I would love to be able to share my love of sport with my students, and maybe influence them to discover their own passions. I would also love to share my love of certain pieces of literature, and to analyse them with a class. I have experienced some teaching on my pracs in schools, and one of my most rewarding experiences has been to show a year 10 boy who hated Shakespeare how relevant Macbeth and the language is to him. The boy became engaged with the text, and it was so rewarding to share my knowledge in a positive.

In addition to this, I tutor a year 8 boy with ADHD. All throughout his schooling, he has struggled to stay on task, and his school work has suffered enormously. At the beginning of this year, his parents were told that he may have to repeat year 8. Since I have been tutoring him, he has started using my strategies to stay engaged in class, and he no longer has to repeat year 8. Words cannot explain how great this feels. Words cannot explain the sheer excitement I got when I heard him explain essay structure to his Dad. This was all from me! I helped him do this! This led me to conclude that helping others is so rewarding that everyone should strive to do this for their whole lives.

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